Playoff General Information

2024-2025 Playoff Notes
Length of Periods
- 10U - 14U - All periods are 15 minutes
- 15U - 18U - Two 25-minute halves with an ice cut at halftime. Teams do not switch ends.
Length of Penalties
- 10U - 14U
- Minor penalties – 1:30
- Major / Match penalties – 400
- Misconduct penalties – 8:00
- 15U - 18U
- Minor penalties - 2:00
- Major / Match penalties - 5:00
- Misconduct penalties - 10:00
Length of Warm Up – Warm up on ‘Clean Ice’ for ALL games
- 10U - 14U - 3 minutes
- 15U - 18U - 5 minutes
General Notes
- The home team for each playoff game (except 13U and 15U Diamond) is the higher rated KRACH team. The home team will wear white jerseys and socks and the visitors will wear dark jerseys and socks.
- For 13U and 15U Diamond, in Game 1 of the series the lower rated team is home and in Games 2 and the Mini Game the higher rated team is home
- All players should have the same jerseys and socks.
- Each team is responsible for supplying their own warm up pucks.
- The home team is responsible for supplying game pucks.
- EJEPL supervisors will go over the game format with coaches before each game
- Coaches should check in at the front table prior to each game to go over this information
- Mercy Rule
- If there is a 7-goal difference with 12 minutes left in the 3rd period or 2nd half, the clock will run. If the deficit becomes less than 7 at any time, the game reverts to stop time.
- All USA Hockey rules are in effect for each game.
- Each team has one time out per game (including overtime).
- The EJEPL will supply iPads for scoring games.
- Teams should bring their own iPad as a back-up, if needed.
- All discipline issues will be handled by the EJEPL supervisors and League Office.
- Any match penalty is an automatic disqualification from the Playoffs.
- Live Barn is available at playoff venues.
- Games will not start early for any reason.
- In younger levels, 10U-12U, a team may have a quiet parent assist in the penalty box.
- Awards will be given out after each Championship Game and 3rd place games for 10U divisions.
Playoff Scheduling
- Teams will slot themselves into the schedule based on their Final KRACH rating. Final KRACH ratings will be published on Monday, January 20, 2025 for 15U-18U and on Monday, February 3, 2025 for 10U-14U.
- There will be NO CHANGES TO THE SCHEDULE FOR ANY REASON. If a team cannot make it to the playoffs, the next rated KRACH team will be added.
- The league reserves the right to change the order of games within a division should this assist teams traveling a long distance.
Mini Game Series Information
- A mini game series is a best of three series with the third and deciding game (if necessary) occurring 20 minutes after Game 2 of the series.
- The third and deciding game is one 20 minute period in which teams will defend the goal closest to their bench.
- The winner of the mini game series is the first team to reach 3 points in the standings. A team earns 2 points for a regulation or overtime win, 1 point for a tie, and 0 points for a loss.